Friday, May 11, 2012

Christmas Quilting

So, I've been sewing for as long as I can remember, but my friend Melissa just talked me into creating a blog.  I think it's so she can hold me accountable to actually finish the projects I start! :)  I know it's already May, but the last big project I finished was a quilt that I gave my mother for Christmas.  Her favorite colors are red and purple, so these are the fabrics I chose to use.

I used a pattern from one of the Better Homes and Garden's quilting issues.  It was really easy since it called for all rectangles.  I was able to get all of my blocks cut in two days. (I did have other things to do as well, like shopping.  Jo-Ann's was having a big sale)

This is just a small portion of the rows sewn together.  If you can't tell, I'm not especially neat about my sewing.  I take up tons of space and usually end up pushing random objects off the table with my fabric. :)

This is the finished quilt.  It is backed with red flannel and stuffed with a single layer of batting.  That way it's extra warm without being too heavy.

When I went home for a visit, I put it on my mom's bed on Christmas morning, after she woke up, and then told her I had a present for her in her room.  She walked in a saw it on her bed and LOVED it!!  She said it was the best present ever.  She was really excited.

Yay me!!

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